Guernsey Freedom Day

Guernsey Freedom Day

Guernsey Freedom Day is seen on May 9 consistently. It honors the island’s independence from German Occupation during The Second Great War. The Island or Area of expertise of Guernsey is one of two crown conditions that make up the Channel Islands, the other and greater of the two is the Forte of Jersey. They…

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World Ovarian Cancer Day

World Ovarian Cancer Day

Every year, May 8 is World Ovarian Cancer Day. Ovarian cancer awareness day is observed worldwide to acknowledge the suffering of ovarian cancer patients and their families’ efforts. Ovarian cancer begins in the ovaries and spreads to the lungs, stomach, lymph nodes, and liver among other organs. Disease is generally analyzed when side effects like…

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World Asthma Day

World Asthma Day

World Asthma Day is seen on the primary Tuesday of May consistently. It falls on May 7 this year. The purpose of the annual event is to raise awareness of asthmatics. It is coordinated by the Worldwide Drive for Asthma (GINA) in a joint effort with medical care gatherings and asthma teachers. Asthma is a…

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National Nurses Day

National Nurses Day

Toward the finish of the nineteenth hundred years, “The Woman With the Light” — or as she is all the more well known, Florence Songbird — established present day nursing. Nightingale and her assistants reduced the death rate from 42% to 2% while caring for wounded soldiers in the Crimean War through strict hand washing…

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National Day of Dialogue

National Day of Dialogue

Founded by the Ideos Institute, National Day of Dialogue is an annual event held on January 5 to promote open dialogue. There’s so much misinformation, political divides are widening, and social and economic inequality continues to grow. Supported by both local and international organizations, the event welcomes all who are seeking to heal a world…

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National Bird Day

National Bird Day

Birds have always held special place in our hearts, which is why we celebrate them on National Bird Day every January 5! While birds are amazing, they’re also a massive animal group under particular threat. And the phrase “canary in the coal mine” was named after birds for a reason—they’re the barometers of our planet’s environmental health. The fact that so many bird species…

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National Ellen Day

National Ellen Day

Celebrate National Ellen Day on January 5. No, it is not a special day dedicated to the life and work of the comedian and talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres; it’s a day that celebrates all people named Ellen. More importantly, the way you choose to celebrate the Ellen in your life will say a lot about…

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National Keto Day

National Keto Day

On National Keto Day, January 5, we are reminded that people on ketogenic diets cut carbs out of their diet to an extent where the body starts to consume fat — instead of carbohydrates — for fuel. The obvious benefit of fat used for energy is weight loss, but it also helps epilepsy patients avoid…

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