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National Personal Trainer Day

National Personal Trainer Day

National Personal Trainer Day is an annual day of observance on January 2, when many people start working toward their New Year fitness resolutions. Personal trainers guide, motivate, and train you to exercise correctly. Without them, many injuries can happen due to bad form or incorrect use of the equipment, so they are a vital,…

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National Pet Travel Safety Day

National Pet Travel Safety Day

Whether it is a four-legged ball of fur or a winged wonder, pets need to travel in comfort and safety — which is what National Pet Travel Safety Day, held on January 2 each year, embodies. Created by celebrity pet and family lifestyle expert Colleen Paige, this day covers all areas of travel, be it…

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New Year's Day Substitute

New Year’s Day Substitute

New Year’s Day Substitute is celebrated on January 2 when New Year’s Day falls during the week or the following Monday if New Year’s Day falls on a weekend, and we are going to do the most obvious thing to do on a holiday — chill. Did you know that there was a time when…

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Reconquest Day

Reconquest Day

Reconquest Day is observed every year on January 2. This day commemorates the capture of Spanish and Portuguese territories from the Moors by the Catholic kings of Spain. A series of military campaigns, known as ‘Reconquista,’ occurred between 718 and 1492. The victory that marked the complete reconquest of Spain took place in 1492 when…

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Saint Basil's Day

Saint Basil’s Day

Saint Basil’s Day is annually celebrated on January 1 in the Eastern Churches, on January 2 in the Western Churches, and on January 14 in churches that follow the Julian calendar. It starts with a divine liturgy in honor of the Byzantine bishop of Caesarea, after a matin service on the morning of the feast….

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Swiss Cheese Day

Swiss Cheese Day

Swiss Cheese Day is celebrated on January 2 every year, and we couldn’t be happier about it. This beloved smelly and holey cheese has stolen the hearts of many around the world. Swiss Cheese is a yellow, medium-hard cheese originating from around Emmental in Switzerland. Did you know that not all Swiss cheeses have holes?…

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World Introvert Day

World Introvert Day

Introverts worldwide get to celebrate World Introvert Day on January 2, the day after the dreaded festivities of the past year ends, when they can finally get some peace and quiet to recharge their social batteries. World Introvert Day is recognized as a day to understand the many introverts around the world better — the…

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Bonza Bottler Day

Bonza Bottler Day

Bonza Bottler Day is a monthly celebration that occurs on the day when the number of the month coincides with the number of the day. It will next take place on January 1. Can you believe that Bonza Bottler Day has been in existence for over 35 years? The only times we celebrate in a…

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Apple Gifting Day

Apple Gifting Day

Apple Gifting Day is celebrated every year on January 1, as part of the many traditional ways of marking New Year’s Day. Because apples symbolize good health, giving people apples on New Year’s Day is wishing them good health for the rest of the year. The best thing about apples is that there are varieties…

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