Brunei is a sovereign state, divided into two parts by the Sarawak district of Limbang.


Brunei is a sovereign state, separated into two sections by the Sarawak locale of Limbang. It is circled by the province of Sarawak in Malaysia. It is arranged on the northern shoreline of Borneo Island, Southeast Asia. The South China Sea shares its coastline with it. Brunei is a tiny nation with a small population that is extremely rich despite its abundance of petroleum and natural gas resources. It is a significant ocean path connect between the Indian and Pacific seas. It has an unshared fishing zone, contributing monstrously to its financial success, going similar to Louisa Reef in the south of Spratly Islands. It is mainly an Islamic state, and 67% of the Malay and 15% of the Chinese live there. Because of its rich assets in flammable gas and oil, numerous outsiders additionally stay in Brunei as settlers in light of the accessibility of work open doors. Brunei receives approximately one million tourists annually and has a climate that is semitropical. These sightseers are for the most part business guests or the vacationer showing up from Malaysia. Brunei has a climate and topography that are semitropical, but it is free of tropical diseases like malaria and major natural disasters.

Fast Facts

Continent: Asia
Area: 5,765km2
Official Name: Negara Brunei Darussalam
Capital: Bandar Seri Begawan
Population: 406,000
Currency: Bruneian Dollar (BND)
Official Languages: Malay, English, Chinese
Major Religions: Islam, Buddhism, Christianity
Independence Day: 1 January 1984
Dialing Code: 673
Type Of Government: Constitutional Monarchy (Sultanate)


Fascinating and Fun Realities About Brunei:-
It’s obviously true that Brunei was found by Awang Alak Betatar. At the point when he initially found Brunei, he called out “Baru nah!”, and that signifies “that is all there is to it!”, furthermore, that is the means by which Brunei framed its name.
In Brunei, near the Seria River, F.F. Marriot and T.G. Cochrane discovered petroleum in 1929. Obviously a great deal of endeavors were made previously, to search for a few regular assets, however completely were pointless. Not long after the revelation of petrol, the Brunei Shell Petrol Organization was established on 22 July 1922.
Brunei got its autonomy from the Unified Realm in 1 January 1984, however the authority freedom day in Brunei is customarily celebrated on 23 February.
Brunei’s constitution was established in 1959 when Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien III and the Commissioner-General for Sotheast Asian Colonies from England signed a constitutional agreement in the country’s capital.
Brunei’s legal system is based on English common law, but Shariah law is the highest form due to the country’s predominant Islamic culture and religion.
Brunei joins the Commonwealth as the 49th nation.
In 2005, Brunei was the administrator of the Asia Pacific Monetary Participation discussion (APEC).
In every part of the country, Brunei has impressive and beautiful mosques.
Liquor and non-halal meat are restricted in Brunei, as it is an Islamic country. Brunei allows visitors who are not Muslims to bring a maximum of two liters of alcohol into the country.
Aside from Malay and Chinese populace, Brunei has a portion of the native populace too. The tribes of Iban and Duson live in the Temburog district.
One fourth of the populace in Brunei comprises of the transient migrant laborers.
The reason for concern, naturally, in Brunei is the occasional murkiness coming about because of woods fires.
Brunei’s oil capital is Seria. The “Shelltown” is another name for it.
Bunches of nations can partake in a without visa travel in Brunei, as – every European nation, US, Iceland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, and so on.
Brunei prohibits Israelis from entering.
English is widely spoken in Brunei’s urban areas due to the British colonization of the country for many years.
One of the best spots in Southeast Asia for macro photography is Brunei.
Blue Water Wreck, Concrete Wreck and Australian Wreck are a portion of the famous spot for scuba making a plunge Brunei.
Brunei is nearly all around as costly as Singapore, two times as costly as Malaysia.
In 2009, the Reminder of Figuring out (MOU) was endorsed among Brunei and Philippines, to reinforce the collaboration between both the nations in horticulture and exchange and speculations ranch related items.
Brunei has thick and thick tropical woods, with the renowned mangrove swamps.
Brunei has high reliance on imports, yet individuals of this nation appreciate huge sponsorships and make good on no assessments.
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, one of the world’s longest-serving monarchs, is in charge of Brunei. The Ruler of Brunei is perhaps of the most extravagant individual on the planet.
The Istana Nurul Iman is a 300-acre palace with a view of Kampong Ayer on top of a hill. It is the world’s biggest private castle.
The constitution of Brunei was written on September 29, 1959.
The confidential press in Brunei is claimed by the illustrious family.
The United States of America added Brunei to its watch list for human trafficking in June 2010. It appears to be a destination for prostitution and forced labor.
In 2011, the IMF estimated that Brunei, along with Libya, was the only nation with public debt that did not exceed 0% of GDP.

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