World Book Day

World Book Day

We love books, and our companions at UNESCO concur. World Book Day was proposed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization as a day to celebrate the pleasure of reading. World Book Day is observed in a hundred nations, and why not? Compared to children who don’t read, those who do do better…

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National Library Day

National Library Day

On April 6 of each year, it is celebrated as National Library Day. On this day, people gather to recognize the significant contributions librarians and libraries make to our society. It’s also a good day to think about reading and how important it is to make books affordable and accessible to everyone. A well-stocked library…

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Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day

Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day is a significant celebration held annually at the end of February during Engineering Week. It takes place on February 24 this year. The National Society of Professional Engineers (N.S.P.E.) established this day in 1951. “Engineering Week aims to ensure a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding…

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Global Day of No Resilience to Female Genital Mutilation

Global Day of No Resilience to Female Genital Mutilation

Global Day of No Resilience to Female Genital Mutilation falls on February 6 every year. Even though we live in the 21st century, the fact that this violent custom persists is deeply troubling. You wouldn’t believe how normal it is — from Africa and Eastern Europe to Bedouin nations, Asia, and Latin America. Eliminating outer…

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National Report Pharmaceutical Fraud Day

National Report Pharmaceutical Fraud Day

National Report Pharmaceutical Fraud Day is observed annually on January 23. Did you know that 10% of all Medicare funds are lost due to fraud? Reportedly, one of the largest culprits of Medicare fraud allegations has been pharmaceutical companies. The day is observed to spread the word that whistleblowers will get large rewards for reporting…

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Squirrel Appreciation Day

Squirrel Appreciation Day

Originally a creation by Christy Hargrove, Squirrel Appreciation Day on January 21 is a day to learn about and celebrate the world’s cutest rodents. Here’s the thing about squirrels: some people hate them and say that they’re “invasive species.” But can those people leap across a space ten times the length of their body? Didn’t…

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Houseplant Appreciation Day

Houseplant Appreciation Day

By mid-January, most of our various holiday decorations and Christmas trees have made their way out of our homes. Houseplant Appreciation Day is on January 10 every year, and it reminds us that we don’t have to lose the freshness and vibrancy that plants bring to our homes just because the holidays have drawn to…

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