World Ovarian Cancer Day

World Ovarian Cancer Day

Every year, May 8 is World Ovarian Cancer Day. Ovarian cancer awareness day is observed worldwide to acknowledge the suffering of ovarian cancer patients and their families’ efforts. Ovarian cancer begins in the ovaries and spreads to the lungs, stomach, lymph nodes, and liver among other organs. Disease is generally analyzed when side effects like…

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World Asthma Day

World Asthma Day

World Asthma Day is seen on the primary Tuesday of May consistently. It falls on May 7 this year. The purpose of the annual event is to raise awareness of asthmatics. It is coordinated by the Worldwide Drive for Asthma (GINA) in a joint effort with medical care gatherings and asthma teachers. Asthma is a…

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National Nurses Day

National Nurses Day

Toward the finish of the nineteenth hundred years, “The Woman With the Light” — or as she is all the more well known, Florence Songbird — established present day nursing. Nightingale and her assistants reduced the death rate from 42% to 2% while caring for wounded soldiers in the Crimean War through strict hand washing…

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World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day

World Hemophilia Day is honored consistently on April 17. The day is observed to raise awareness of hemophilia and assist those with the condition in achieving a better future. Due to a lack of sufficient blood-clotting proteins, a rare condition known as hemophilia prevents blood from properly clotting. Currently, World Hemophilia Day is observed worldwide…

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World Homeopathy Day

World Homeopathy Day

World Homeopathy Day is commended on April 10 consistently. The purpose of this day is to highlight homeopathy’s significance and its contributions to conventional medicine. Additionally, Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy, is remembered on this day. Samuel Hahnemann was born in Meissen, Germany, in 1755. In 1779, he graduated from Erlangen…

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Global Children YOGA DAY

Global Children YOGA DAY

On April 8, which is International Kids’ Yoga Day, children all over the world can take part in yoga. Yoga allows children to unwind from the often-busy school routines they are used to. It’s likewise a fantastic approach to allowing them to be a piece of an option that could be greater than themselves, which…

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World Health Day

World Health Day

The World Health Organization chooses to focus on a particular topic that is currently being discussed in the wellness and medical fields on April 7. This day sets the tone for what’s to come on the global stage, from mental health to insurance to everything in between. The current year’s Reality Wellbeing Day will focus…

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World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day

On March 30, the birthday of Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, one of the most significant artists in Western art history, World Bipolar Day is observed annually. His inventiveness was resembled with his psychological sickness and he was after death determined to have bipolar confusion. One’s health, productivity, and relationships can all be negatively impacted…

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National Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day

National Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day

Every year, March 27 is designated as National Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day. All Clinical Science Contacts from all over the world ought to be perceived on this exceptional day. Clinical Science Contacts are clinical experts for the most part connected with the Clinical Issues Divisions of drug and innovation enterprises. The majority…

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