pearl kapur

pearl kapur

Meet India’s most youthful very rich person, who possesses Asia’s quickest unicorn, worth Rs…. While the vast majority in this age plan to become tycoons when they are 30, Pearl Kapur, the organizer behind Zyber 365, has composed his name in the books of history by turning into the most youthful extremely rich person in…

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Global Zebra Day

Global Zebra Day

Global Zebra Day is noticed consistently on January 31. With their regular habitat lessening and expanding human turn of events, these delicate creatures are in harm’s way. Animals also become at risk when habitats are threatened. Worldwide Zebra Day is tied in with bringing issues to light and how you might help in the preservation…

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National Handwriting Day

National Handwriting Day

If you keep a journal or a hand-written to-do list, you probably appreciate the tactile pleasures and slower pace of writing by hand. Although it may seem quaint in a world full of digital devices and voice-to-text apps, handwriting is an important skill that can help sharpen your brain, slow the frenetic pace of your…

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Z Day

Z Day

Z Day is a mysterious yet intriguing day that occurs every January 1. Z Day is not zombies’ day. It’s a day when the alphabetical order is reversed, and those whose names begin with the letter Z come first in all matters of alphabet sequence. If your name is always called out last on the…

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National Homeowners Day

National Homeowners Day

National Homeowners Day is celebrated on December 26 every year and was founded by Paisley Vartanian in 2020. It’s believed this is the ideal day to put an offer on a house in order to have optimal savings. Being a homeowner is a big milestone for many people, and they also see it as a…

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GOAL Mile 2021

GOAL Mile 2021

GOAL Mile is held throughout December in various parts of Ireland and the world at large; though it is mostly celebrated on Christmas Day on December 25. It is one of Ireland’s most popular annual events and is seen as a Christmas tradition for many Irish families. GOAL Mile events are run by individuals and…

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Every year, the anniversary of the first pilgrims landing on the shores of North America is observed on Forefathers’ Day on December 22 (unless it occurs on a Sunday, in which case Forefathers’ Day is celebrated on December 23). Although the forefathers landed in America on December 21, the anniversary was accidentally marked as December…

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Short Girl Appreciation Day

Short Girl Appreciation Day

This December 21 — Short Girl Appreciation Day — don’t come up short on ways to celebrate the small ladies in your life! If you’re a short girl yourself, you know the genetic lottery you’ve won — they always make cute shoes in smaller sizes, your feet are never going to hang off the bed,…

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National Flashlight Day

National Flashlight Day

Along with bringing the longest night, the winter solstice brings with it National Flashlight Day on December 21. In some regions of the northern hemisphere, the darkness arrives prior to the solstice. As primitive as it sounds, a flashlight is extremely handy on this day (or night, as the case is). All you need is…

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