National Day of Dialogue

National Day of Dialogue

Founded by the Ideos Institute, National Day of Dialogue is an annual event held on January 5 to promote open dialogue. There’s so much misinformation, political divides are widening, and social and economic inequality continues to grow. Supported by both local and international organizations, the event welcomes all who are seeking to heal a world…

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Happy Calennig day


Calennig celebrated on January 13 every year, is the Welsh tradition of celebrating and welcoming the New Year. Did you know that ‘Calennig’ is a Welsh word that is derived from the Latin word ‘kalends’ which translates to ‘the first day of the month’? While many countries have adopted the Gregorian calendar, a village in…

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National Shareholders Day

National Shareholders Day

National Shareholders Day is an American holiday observed on January 10 each year. A shareholder, usually referred to as a ‘stockholder’ in the United States, is an individual or legal entity registered by the corporation as a legal owner of shares of a public or private corporation. Shareholders may also be regarded as members of…

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National Champagne Day

National Champagne Day

National Champagne Day, celebrated informally on December 31, is all about enjoying sipping on this bubbly beverage. It comes at a perfect time on New Year’s Eve, especially for champagne lovers, giving us an even better excuse to pop open a bottle — or two! HISTORY OF NATIONAL CHAMPAGNE DAY Before everyone was mentioning it…

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International Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis

International Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis

International Solidarity Day of Azerbaijanis is observed annually in the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 31. It is a public holiday that commemorates the solidarity of the people of Azerbaijan, known as Azerbaijanis. The history of the day is traceable to 1989 when the border fences separating Soviet Azerbaijan and Iran were dismantled. It also…

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New Year's Eve

New Year’s Eve

NEW YEAR’S EVE AROUND THE WORLD New Year’s Eve is widely celebrated by everyone who follows the Gregorian calendar, but not all people ring in the new year the same way or, in some cases, even on the same day. New Year’s Eve Around the World Country Holiday Occasion Date Western Australia Aboriginal Murador The…

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National Bacon Day

National Bacon Day

Gather-round the frying pan everybody because National Bacon Day is December 30 and it’s enough to make any bacon-lover squeal. Just saying the word makes us hungry. It’s an incredibly versatile food. You can eat it on a burger if you’re ready for a major calorie-fest. Or, you can crumble it over a salad if…

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