Pepper Pot Day

Pepper Pot Day

Pepper Pot Day is celebrated every year on December 29. It is meant to celebrate a soup that was nicknamed ‘The Soup That Won The War.’ The war here refers to the American Revolutionary War for independence from Britain. The Philadelphia Pepper Pot soup is a thick soup made up of beef tripe, whatever vegetables…

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Tick Tock Day

Tick Tock Day

Tick Tock Day is celebrated on December 29 every year. This day serves as a reminder that the year is coming to an end, so get around to finishing pending tasks on your to-do list! With the holiday season beginning in November, it is only natural that life becomes super busy and a lot of…

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National Download Day

National Download Day

December 28 is National Download Day. Once slow and cumbersome, smartphones have become a ubiquitous part of our lives. It’s hard to imagine going anywhere without our phones, which now also serve as cameras, maps, guidebooks, banks, personal assistants, and entertainment centers. Most of these extra functions are accessed through downloadable apps — programs designed…

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Card Playing Day

Card Playing Day

Shuffle your cards and cut the deck on Card Playing Day, December 28. It is the ideal activity to spend time with your family without having to chatter away or go on some big outing. The Christmas hustle and bustle is over, there is still time off from work, and the excitement from opening presents…

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Holy Innocents Day

Holy Innocents Day

Holy Innocents Day, also known as the Feast of the Holy Innocents, is commemorated on December 28 every year. On this day, the Catholic Church honors the first martyrs. These were the children of Israel killed by King Herod in his quest to find baby Jesus. This day is also known as Childermas. According to…

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National Tim Day

National Tim Day

National Tim Day is marked on December 28 every year. The name Tim is derived from the name Timothy, which is used in the English language, but its origin is Old Greek. The English pronunciation is /ti-muh-thee/, a biblical name that derives its elements from ‘time,’ meaning ‘honor,’ and ‘theos,’ meaning ‘god.’ Taken together, it…

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Proclamation Day

Proclamation Day

Proclamation Day, which falls on the first working day after Christmas, celebrates the founding of the government in South Australia as a British province. South Australia marks Proclamation Day as a public holiday. However, it is the only state in Australia that officially celebrates the day as a public holiday, and many people don’t know…

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National Call a Friend Day

National Call a Friend Day

Christmas is over and New Year’s is on its way. But in the meantime, December 28 is National Call a Friend Day! Between the stress of the daily grind at work, the needs of your family, and ensuring you have a little time for yourself, our lives can get awfully hectic. National Call a Friend…

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