Election Commission of India

Election Commission of India

National Voting is a powerful tool and invaluable right of a citizen to participate in the process of governance in a country, by exercising his/her choice through the process of universal adult franchise. Though our democracy has progressed, the importance of the power of a vote to usher in democracy is yet to reach every citizen of the country. Due to inhibition or hesitation and some peculiar reasons, voting rates have not been encouraging in different regions, thereby affecting the larger process of building a participatory democracy.

Election commission of India (ECI) has been taking various steps from time to time to address this trend.’ Day – Why is it celebrated?

What is National Voters’ Day?
Every Year since 2011, 25th January has been celebrated as National Voters’ Day.
It marks the Foundation day of the Election Commission of India, which was established on this day in the year 1950.
The celebrations take place at over ten lakh locations across the country, including polling station areas, subdivisions, divisions, district and state headquarters.
Since the beginning, National Voter Day has been institutionalized as an annual feature to celebrate democracy and electoral participation in the country.
The theme for the National Voters’ Day sets the tone for a stream of activities during the year.
What is the Focus of the National Voters’ Day?
The decadal journey of National Voters’ Day and Systematic Voter’s Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP)- the flagship voter education programme of ECI, has focused on inclusion, strategies and action plans for enhancing participation from all categories of voters under ECI’s premise of ‘No Voter to be Left Behind’.
The main purpose of the National Voters’ Day celebration is to encourage, facilitate and maximize enrolment, especially for the new voters.
Dedicated to the voters of the country, the day is utilized to spread awareness among voters and for promoting informed participation in the electoral process.
It is also meant to encourage, facilitate and maximize the enrolment, especially for the new voters.
What is the Concept of Voters’ Pledge?
Voter’s pledge is a step taken by authority to encourage collective participation, responsibility from the young voters through appeal.

It states- “We, the Citizens of India, having abiding faith in democracy, hereby pledge to uphold the democratic traditions of our country and the dignity of free, fair and peaceful elections, and to vote in every election fearlessly and without being influenced by considerations of religion, race, caste, community, language or any inducement.”

How is National Voters’ Day Celebrated?
This day is celebrated with many activities, centred around public awareness and participation.

The 11th National Voters’ Day was celebrated across the country on January 25, 2021 with the President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind gracing the national level event held at New Delhi in a virtual, online mode.
Due to COVID-19, the National Voters’ Day celebrations all over the country becomes a combination of both physical and virtual events.
The theme for National Voters’ Day 2021 was ‘Making Our Voters Empowered, Vigilant, Safe and Informed.’
This reiterates the commitment of Election Commission of India (ECI) for conducting COVID-safe elections, as well as to make each voter informed, ethical and vigilant.
Two unique digital initiatives were unveiled. The Commission is rolling out Digital voter identity cards or e-EPICs which will be downloadable on mobile phones or in a self-printable form on the computer.
Voters can access this through logging in from Voter Helpline Mobile App, Voter Portal or National Voters’ Service Portal.
The Hon’ble President of India launched ‘Radio Hello Voters’ – a 24×7 online digital radio service that will stream voter awareness programmes accessible on the Election Commission of India website.
Radio Hello Voters has been envisaged to provide information on electoral processes through songs, drama, discussions, podcasts, spots, parodies etc. in Hindi, English and different regional languages from all over the country.
While only newly enrolled electors with a unique mobile number could download the e-EPIC, in the first leg, this facility was extended to all other electors from 1st February 2021 onwards.
The President of India virtually conferred the National Awards for the Best Electoral Practices to Officers for their outstanding performance in the conduct of elections in different spheres.
Government Departments and Media Houses were also awarded for their outstanding contribution in the field of voter awareness and outreach.
According to the Election Commissioner Shri Sushil Chandra, one of the major focuses of the 11th National Voters’ Day was to enhance electoral participation, especially the new voters of the country and empower them as informed, ethical and vigilant voters.
Programs conducted as a part of the National Voters’ Day celebration
Three publications were released as a part of the celebration by the then Honourable union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad.

Conducting Election During Pandemic- A Photo Journey:
This photo book encapsulates the challenging journey of conducting elections amidst a pandemic.
The Commission successfully conducted several elections in the country, beginning with the Biennial Election to the Rajya Sabha.
This was followed by Legislative Assembly Elections in Bihar, one of the biggest such exercises throughout the world during the pandemic. Bye-Elections were also conducted for 60 constituencies in various states of the country.
SVEEP Endeavours: Awareness initiatives during Lok Sabha Election, 2019
This book provides a detailed insight into voter awareness interventions, innovations and initiatives during the 17th General Election, conducted in 2019.
This documented the spirit of ‘Desh Ka Mahatyohar’, the biggest festival of democracy celebrated across the nation cutting through the barriers of gender, caste, creed and religion.
Chalo Karen Matdaan
It is a comic book which aims at voter education in a fun and thought-provoking way.
Targeting young, new and future voters, this comic contains interesting and relatable characters to educate voters at large on electoral processes.

It is well recognized that the right to vote is not a simple one, people around the world have struggled a lot for this. Since independence, our Constitution has given equal voting rights to all citizens without any discrimination on the basis of merit, religion, race, caste. Right to vote is justifiably considered as paramount, for healthy functioning of democracy. It calls for responsibility from all citizens, especially the youth of our country, bestowed the right to vote for the first time, to exercise their franchise with the utmost sincerity and inspire others too to do so.

Various initiatives taken by the Election Commission to spread the message of the National Voters’ Day cherish the value of our democracy, that is participatory and furthering our collective efforts to make the festival of democracy a smooth, inclusive, safe, free from any influence, for a stronger and vibrant democracy. That is what makes our elections sacrosanct and a model for others.

National Voters’ Day is a reiteration of our faith in the constitution, and its cherished values, gratitude to the founding fathers.This generation and beyond are and shall be indebted to the makers of our Constitution, and this debt can be only repaid when the citizens become truly aware of the power of a vote and exercise their right to vote diligently.

Some Important Faqs:-
Which Commission’s Foundation day is celebrated as National voter’s day?
Since 2011, National Voters’ Day has been celebrated on January 25 every year, all across the country to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India, i.e. 25th January 1950.

What are the objectives of voters day?
The main purpose of the NVD celebration is to encourage, facilitate and maximize the enrolment, especially for the new voters. Dedicated to the voters of the country, the Day is utilized to spread awareness among them for promoting informed participation in the electoral process.

What is the motto of the Election Commission of India?
The President also added that the motto of the Election Commission ‘no voter to be left behind’ to motivate the voters, is commendable. The collective contribution of the Election Commission and the voters strengthens the electoral process of our country.

Why is National Voters Day celebrated?
In order to encourage more young voters to take part in the political process, Government of India has decided to celebrate January 25 every year as “National Voters’ Day”. It has been started from 25 January 2011 to mark the foundation day of Election Commission of India. Students rally on National Voters’ Day.

Why is National Voters’ Day Celebrated?
Every democratic country provides the right to all eligible citizens to choose the right leader who will take the responsibility to run the country. We choose our representative to take care of the development of a locality and a community at the same time. It is an important power to choose and replace a leader when the time comes. To celebrate this democratic power, we observe National Voters Day throughout the country on the 25th of January every year.

This day is dedicated to the crores of Indians who cast their votes to choose a government. The elected politicians are given the responsibility to run different democratic operations for the overall development and welfare of the country. Let us find out more about this day.

What is National Voters’ Day?
National Voters’ Day, also known as Rashtriya Matdata Diwas, is organised and observed on the 25th day of January every year. In 2022, we celebrated the 12th National Voters’ Day on the same day. It is the same day when the Election Commission of India (ECI) was established as the prime pillar of democracy.

This day is dedicated to the crores of voters across the country who cast their vote on the designated dates. On this day, the world witnesses how the largest democracy in the world runs without showing signs of disparity. Voters Day is also a sign of the development of a country that got independence in 1947. On this day, we remember how our ancestors fought for their right to choose a government.

A commission was formulated by the contemporary Government of India to look after the requirements of voting. It was the first step that ensured the national voters of India that they will get a fair chance to choose a representative. This is considered the foundation of democracy where voters can practice their birthright to choose a leader. The day was 25th January 1950 when the Election Commission of India was formed and started working effectively.

On this day, India started practising universal suffrage. The voting age was decided to be 21 but was changed to 18. According to the rules, anyone who is 18 years of age can cast his/her vote irrespective of age, gender, marital status, religion, caste, etc.

You will be surprised to know that India celebrated Universal Adult Suffrage way before we attained independence from the British Colonial Rule. It all started when the Constitution of India was being written under the supervision of Dr. B R Ambedkar. It was on 25th January of the same year, a day before India became a democratic republic in the eyes of the entire world. The first elections in India were conducted from 25th October 1951 to 25th February 1952.

This is why 25th January is celebrated to be the Voters’ day for Indians. To commemorate this event, this day was announced to be celebrated as National Voters’ Day in 2011.

Which Commission’s Foundation day is celebrated as National voter’s day?
Since 2011, National Voters’ Day has been celebrated on January 25 every year, all across the country to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India, i.e. 25th January 1950.

What are the objectives of voters day?
The main purpose of the NVD celebration is to encourage, facilitate and maximize the enrolment, especially for the new voters. Dedicated to the voters of the country, the Day is utilized to spread awareness among them for promoting informed participation in the electoral process.

What is the motto of the Election Commission of India?
The President also added that the motto of the Election Commission ‘no voter to be left behind’ to motivate the voters, is commendable. The collective contribution of the Election Commission and the voters strengthens the electoral process of our country.

Why is National Voters Day celebrated?
In order to encourage more young voters to take part in the political process, Government of India has decided to celebrate January 25 every year as “National Voters’ Day”. It has been started from 25 January 2011 to mark the foundation day of Election Commission of India. Students rally on National Voters’ Day.


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