Epilepsy Awareness Day

Epilepsy Awareness Day

Epilepsy Awareness Day, also known as Purple Day, is an annual event that takes place on March 26. Its goal is to make people more aware of this brain disorder and to get rid of the fear and stigma associated with it. With over 3.5 million individuals determined to have epilepsy in the U.S. what’s more, north of 50 million around the world, it is probable you realize somebody living with the everyday difficulties epilepsy brings. The good news is that epilepsy can be easily managed if it is correctly diagnosed and treated, so it is important to raise awareness and conduct research. Join one of the grassroots campaigns right now to make your community more aware!

On March 26, Epilepsy Day is observed annually.

Cassidy Megan from Nova Scotia, Canada, established Epilepsy Appreciation Day with the principal occasion hung on Walk 26, 2008. She realized the significance of everyone understanding this common neurological disorder, motivated by her own diagnosis and struggles with epilepsy. She set up a way for people to learn about epilepsy, get involved, support the public’s education about it, and dispel the myths and fears about it.

Epilepsy is brought about by electrical aggravations in the cerebrum bringing about captures of different sorts. It tends to be a startling condition to individuals who don’t see what is happening, which has prompted numerous superfluous presumptions and even regulations about the sickness and the capacities of the people who live with it. After migraines, strokes, and Alzheimer’s, it is the fourth most common neurological disorder. Gauges show that one of every 26 Americans will foster epilepsy sooner or later in their life.

In 2009, the Anita Kaufmann Establishment joined forces with the Epilepsy Relationship of Nova Scotia to send off Purple Day, bringing more aggregate consideration and organized missions to the reason for the day in the U.S. furthermore, globally. At Purple Day events that same year, over 100,000 students, 95 workplaces, and 116 politicians participated.

The Anita Kaufmann Establishment reserved Purple Day in 2011 and it has kept on growing its range since.

EPILEPSY AWARENESS / PURPLE DAY TIMELINE 1067–1046 B.C. The First Documentation The earliest known medical texts that describe the signs, symptoms, and types of seizures that constitute the condition that we now know as epilepsy are written.

Matter of the Brain 460–377 B.C. Hippocrates was the first to identify epilepsy as a medically treatable brain disease.

First Prescription Accessible
Bromide is first delivered as a powerful prescription for controlling seizures.

First Drug Accessible
Bromide is first delivered as a compelling prescription for controlling seizures.

Establishing Standards
The Anita Kaufmann Establishment establishes a Guinness Worldwide best on Purple Day by working with the biggest truly instructional meeting on epilepsy.

50 million – the quantity of individuals on the planet who have epilepsy.

The percentage of epileptics who live in low- or middle-income nations is 80%.

The percentage of epileptics who can receive effective treatment is 70%.

three times more likely to die young in epileptics.

The total number of epileptic individuals living in low-income nations who do not receive the necessary treatment is 34.

The proportion of epilepsy cases that can be avoided is 25%.

EPILEPSY AWARENESS / PURPLE DAY Frequently Asked Questions How many distinct types of seizures are there?
More than 40 distinct sorts of seizures have been recognized. Not all seizures incorporate spasms or jerky body developments. Instead, some people are referred to as “vacant,” meaning that they are in a state of trance or confusion.

How does epilepsy diagnosis work?
There is no particular test used to analyze epilepsy. Among the ways of diagnosing epilepsy are: electroencephalogram (EEG), computed tomography (CT), blood glucose testing, electrolyte and calcium testing, and so on.


What causes epilepsy?
Epilepsy typically manifests itself following a stroke, brain infection, or brain injury or trauma. Notwithstanding, in more than half of epilepsy cases, the reason is obscure.

Step by step instructions to Notice EPILEPSY Mindfulness/PURPLE DAY
Partake in a neighborhood or public occasion
An ever increasing number of urban communities are holding occasions in recognition of Epilepsy Appreciation Day, so look at what is happening in your space and urge loved ones to reach out. “Anyone with a brain can help those with epilepsy” serves as the organization’s adage. Therefore, YOU can assist today!

Wear purple! Now is the time to don your favorite purple pants, shoes, or shirt! Don’t stop at the basics; show your support by wearing fun accessories like jewelry, a hat, or a tie.

Apply to be a Purple Day Ambassador through the Anita Kaufmann Foundation if you cannot find an event planned for Epilepsy Awareness Day in your city. Not only on Epilepsy Awareness Day, but also on other days, Purple Day Ambassadors organize grassroots events in their workplace, school, church, and the community as a whole! To apply to be a diplomat and track down tomfoolery and novel thoughts for your drive, look at www.purpledayeveryday.org.

5 Methods for aiding Somebody HAVING A SEIZURE
Forestall wounds
On the off chance that somebody is beginning to have a seizure or is currently having one, eliminate sharp items close to them, eliminate eyeglasses assuming they wear them, and spot a cushion or your leg under their head, if conceivable.

Forestall stifling dangers
Endeavor to turn the individual onto their side so they don’t stifle on liquids and guarantee there isn’t anything in their mouth.

Time the seizure
Note how long the seizure endured and illuminate the individual and clinical staff at the fitting time.

Call for help if the seizure lasts longer than five minutes or if the person gets hurt during the seizure; otherwise, once the seizure is over and the person is able to speak, they may need help calling loved ones.

Remain calm Even though it can be frightening to be in the presence of a seizure, keep in mind that most seizures will stop on their own within a few minutes. Knowing how to assist someone will allow you to remain focused and provide meaningful support.

WHY EPILEPSY Mindfulness/PURPLE DAY IS Significant
It raises understanding
Despite the fact that the quantity of Americans living with epilepsy is more prominent than those living with a chemical imbalance range jumble, different sclerosis, and cerebral paralysis joined, the financing for epilepsy is a little part of the subsidizing that goes into research for different circumstances. This condition receives the much-needed attention it deserves on Epilepsy Awareness Day.

It kills dread and shame
Instruction can kill dread and bias. People who have epilepsy, especially those who live in less developed nations, are probably subjected to stigma and discrimination, which can be more difficult to deal with than the disease itself. Epilepsy Appreciation Day contributes enormously to the illumination of individuals all over the planet.

We love purple!
Purple is said by nearly 40% of people to be their favorite color. A few sources even say that individuals who are energetic about purple make extraordinary philanthropic people and rush to help those out of luck — ideal qualities to act as a representative in epilepsy schooling and backing!

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