International Open Data Day


International Open Data Day, which is held annually on a date set by the Open Data Organization, is just for you if you believe that all types of data should be accessible to everyone! It takes place on March 5 this year. The idea of open data is based on data being free and available to everyone at any time. This day was established more than a decade ago to recognize the widespread use of open data.

HISTORY OF THE INTERNATIONAL OPEN DATA DAY Prior to discussing the day itself, we must provide you with a brief and more in-depth understanding of the term “open data.” As technology advances, our lives become increasingly visible, and the essential data we require appear to be concealed. That is one of the goals of the open data concept.

The idea behind open data is that some data should be free and easy to access, and that anyone should be able to use and republish it without having to worry about copyright or patent restrictions. Simply put, the open data concept makes it possible to use and access data for free.

Maps and scientific formulas are examples of the kinds of data that can be taken into consideration, as well as highly significant data like medical records and open government data (O.G.D.). This automatically indicates that this idea can be utilized for both good and evil. Open data advocates, on the other hand, encourage unrestricted access to and control over the form of re-use of this data to eliminate the risk of important data being misused.

Although it first appeared in 1995, the research community had been discussing it for a long time prior to that. Open access to data, according to scientists, analysts, developers, and researchers, will lead to an increase in technological and scientific output. This is because data will be freely accessible to individuals from all over the world, allowing for the expansion of research in these areas.

Since its inception in 2010, International Open Data Day has made significant progress in promoting the use of open data in communities. Members of the governing group choose the date each year, and anyone can use or reuse the results.


INTERNATIONAL OPEN DATA DAY TIMELINE FOR 1942 The Common Pot is a theory by Robert King Merton that says research results should be easy to find and use again.

1957: The World Data Center The World Data Center was established to provide free access to scientific data.

The launch of the world’s largest collaborative biological project, the Human Genome Project, in 1990 underlines the significance of open data.

1995 Open Data for All The term “open data” is used for the first time in a document produced by an American scientific organization.

Frequently Asked Questions About International Open Data Day Who first proposed a global Open Data Day?
David Eaves was the first person to worldwide promote Open Data Day. Edward Ocampo-Gooding, Mary Beth Baker, Daniel Beauchamp, Pedro Markun, and Daniela Silva talked about this idea.

How would I track down open information?
Access to data is simple and free on a number of platforms. These consist of; Kaggle, Kaggle Public Data Explorer, and FiveThirtyEight Research can yield more outcomes.


The Open Data Institute: What is it?
The Open Data Institute is a private, non-profit organization whose goal is to provide individuals worldwide with the data they need to advance innovations. The Open Data Organization was established in 2012 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt. PARTICIPATE IN AN EVENT ON INTERNATIONAL OPEN DATA DAY The Open Data Organization organizes a variety of live and online events on this day. The good news is that you don’t have to work in technology or science to take part! To learn more about these events and how you can participate, visit their website.

You can organize your own open data event if you are a teacher or a member of a business that relies on data knowledge and application. You can use the Open Data Organization’s methods to make your event stand out. For more details, go to their website.

Find out more about open data We have only provided a small portion of the vast open data landscape. Spend some time doing your own research today. You can learn a lot about the whole idea and how it applies to you by looking at a lot of online information and resources.

Five shocking facts about data Over 90% of the data we currently use was created within the last two years.

Google responds frequently Google processes over 40.000 search queries per second on average.

It can reach the Moon If daily data were burned onto digital video disks, they could be stacked to reach the Moon twice.

Facebook users create a lot of it. Every day, Facebook users share an estimated 30 billion pieces of content.

It is larger than you might think. Every two days, we produce the same amount of data that has existed since the beginning of time until 2003.


Why We Love International Open Data Day The concept of open data is significant Open data as a whole is significant to all of us. It gives us easy, free access to data that we can use and reuse however we see fit. Open data is promoted as an important tool for community development on this day.

Research is essential One of the greatest advantages of open data is that it allows for the expansion of research. Scientists, researchers, analysts, and others can see and build on the existing data thanks to its accessibility, which boosts overall research.

It encourages openness In this day and age, we are largely unaware of the types of data gathered about us or their purposes. This day encourages open government data and data transparency in particular.

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