World Consumer Rights Day

World Consumer Rights Day

World Consumer Rights Day is a global event that takes place on March 15 and aims to raise awareness of consumer rights and needs. A consumer’s right to information about a product’s quality, purity, price, and standard applies to everyone who purchases a variety of goods and services. Did you had at least some idea that you reserve the privilege to record a grievance from anyplace, whenever as a customer? Since the majority of people are unaware of their consumer rights, we celebrate this day to raise awareness of the right to demand protection and safeguard themselves from market fraud.

THE HISTORY OF WORLD CONSUMER RIGHTS DAY The ultimate objective of World Consumer Rights Day, which is observed each year on March 15, is to guarantee that consumers have access to all of the information they require to make an educated choice. The events of this day’s history are fascinating. World Consumer Rights Day is an annual event initiated and coordinated by Consumers International. Consumers International is a global federation of consumer organizations that was established in 1960. Its mission was to serve as a distinct and powerful advocate for consumers.

Since 1983, World Consumer Rights Day has been observed on March 15 in commemoration of President John F. Kennedy’s address to Congress on March 15, 1962. In this discourse, he authored the four major buyer freedoms — the right to somewhere safe, the option to be educated, the option to pick, and the option to be heard.

World Consumer Rights Day has grown in popularity since then and is celebrated annually with a particular theme. Quite possibly of the most fascinating subject, ‘Handling Plastic Contamination,’ planned to bring issues to light of economical utilization and works on zeroing in on the assembling and use of plastics and their effect on the climate. Being aware of our consumer rights is essential because it is the only way to determine whether we are being duped or cheated. Most importantly, we can speak up and sue for any purchase of a product or service that violates our rights. Talk about giving the people control!

WORLD Purchaser Privileges DAY Timetable
The Start of Purchasers Worldwide
Elizabeth Schadee begins the Worldwide Association of Purchasers Associations (I.O.C.U.), later becoming Customers Global, a worldwide league of shopper associations.

1962: Iconic Speech by President Kennedy President Kennedy establishes the four fundamental consumer rights.

1983: World Consumer Rights Day The first World Consumer Rights Day is observed.

1985: Approval of General Guidelines The General Guidelines for Consumer Protection are approved by the United Nations.

FAQs for World Consumer Rights Day: What are a consumer’s responsibilities?
You need to be aware, ethical, vocal, and respectful of the environment as a consumer.

What are consumers’ fundamental rights?
The right to value for money, the right to safety, the right to information, the right to choose, the right to consumer education, and the right to representation are among the fundamental consumer rights.

The Consumer Protection Act: What is it?
Consumer complaints are quickly and easily addressed by the Consumer Protection Act. It urges buyers to oppose defects in labor and products.

How to observe World Consumer Rights Day Participate in consumer rights events Consumers International, a membership organization for consumer groups all over the world, organizes a variety of events each year. You can attend these events to gain additional information.

You can commemorate this day by educating your friends, family, and coworkers about their rights as consumers because not many people are aware of these rights.

Share your experience with consumer rights Share your experience with consumer rights violations and what you did about it on social media. Who can say for sure? Your story might motivate other people to fight for their rights!

5 IMPORTANT THINGS EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW ABOUT CONSUMER RIGHTS You do not require a lawyer to appear in consumer court. You can address the case yourself.

You have the right to know everything about the product The consumer has the right to know everything about a product or service, including its quality, quantity, potency, purity, and price.

Freedom to choose products Every consumer has the right to choose the goods or services they want, and they ought to be able to choose other products as well.

You can get compensated The consumer has the right to demand redress or compensation from unfair business practices.

Only about 80 nations have agreed to include consumer protection principles in trade rules for online shopping. However, not all nations protect online shoppers.

WHY WORLD CONSUMER RIGHTS DAY IS IMPORTANT We require this day to raise awareness of unfair trade practices and greedy businesses that exploit consumers. World Consumer Rights Day fulfills this need. It equips us with the means to be savvy and knowledgeable consumers.

Everybody in the world, including the owners of the businesses we buy from, is a consumer on this day. As a result, everyone should take advantage of this day to learn more about their consumer rights.

It has the potential to effect change If everyone in the world works together to raise awareness of consumer rights, consumer rights will improve.

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