With the present innovation, it’s difficult to envision when we didn’t have the foggiest idea what the weather conditions would have been like. If you wanted to know whether you needed a light sweater or a rain jacket, you had to read wind patterns for weeks instead of a five-day forecast on your weather app. Because of this, we commemorate the World Meteorological Organization on March 23. This international organization gathers data from all over the world to help us learn more about the weather and how it affects our lives.

Timeline of the World Meteorological Day in 1873: The First Weather Organization The International Meteorological Association was established to facilitate cross-border weather information exchange.

On March 23, 1950, the World Meteorological Organization took on its current name, which is the International Meteorological Organization.

On March 23, 1961, the first World Meteorological Day is observed, marking the organization’s founding anniversary.

2017 Not Just Fluffs “Understanding Clouds” is the World Meteorological Day theme.

How to observe the World Meteorological Day? Check your local weather station. It’s always a good idea to know how the weather will be in your area. This World Meteorological Day, notwithstanding, get to know individuals who make these estimates conceivable. A crucial member of your community is your local meteorologist.

Download the WMO calendar The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) holds a photo contest each year and includes the winners in their calendars. Check out the calendar when it comes out because the pictures show how beautiful the weather can be. The best part is that the calendar can be downloaded for free from the WMO website.

Contribute to disaster relief organizations Early warnings have the potential to save a lot of lives, but unfortunately, they are not always sufficient. In just a few hours, storms can cause millions of dollars’ worth of damage, and recovery can be slow at times. Find out how you can assist those in need by volunteering or donating by contacting your local Red Cross.

Why World Meteorological Day is Important: It helps us plan our entire days. Without the World Meteorological Organization’s data, it would be impossible to get accurate daily weather forecasts. The majority of people base everything, from how to dress to what to do, on what the weatherman says. Picnics that are ruined are significantly more common in a world without weather forecasts.

It monitors damage caused by climate change The World Meteorological Organization is concerned with more than just weather. They find and keep an eye on changes in the climate. This could be caused by rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, shifting temperatures, or shifting sea levels. We need this information to fully comprehend the climate change crises.

They caution us about cataclysmic events
Cataclysmic events are, indeed, shocking, however they would be a lot of more regrettable on the off chance that we were unable to follow the tempest for quite a long time before it strikes. We are able to predict severe storms thanks to the WMO in time to allow people to evacuate the area or at least prepare for the storm.

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